モトーラ世理奈 × 松岡一哲『せりなが』【数量限定notebook付き、松岡一哲サイン入り】
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※ こちらは【数量限定notebook付き、松岡一哲サイン入り】です。
出版社:manpan press
刊行年:2025 年 1 ⽉ 10 ⽇
版型:ソフトカバー / B5 変形(W175 × H257 mm)/ 160 ページ
A photo book by Japanese model/actress Serena Motola and Japanese photographer Ittetsu Matsuoka, shot in South Korea, will be pre-released in November 2024 in Korea. The general release date for this book is January 2025 in Japan.
Serena has expanded her base from Tokyo to London and Seoul since 2023 as she begins to spread her wings around the world. Ittetsu photographed what she feels, how she spends her time, and how she stands in front of the camera when she goes out of Japan, capturing her freely and without restrictions.
The title is "Serenaga." "Serena ga” means the subject “Serena does" in Japanese or “from Serena”, the ending of a letter in Korean. The title can be used as a new word, “Serenaga,” interpreted freely by the viewer.
Publisher:manpan press
Publication Date:January 10, 2025 in Japan
Size:W175 × H257 mm / 160 Pages
¥5,500 税込